Wellness Tip! Reiki

Lets talk about Reiki for a moment. Reiki is Japanese holistic form of healing, it’s been around for thousands of years before western medicine. Reiki is known to heal the body from the inside out and your energy field. What do I mean by energy field? Well if you know anything about chakras you know that the most common chakras we know of run down the center of our bodies starting at our root to our crown chakra. When these chakras are not aligned or blocked they create blocked energy in the body feelings of restlessness, anxiety, stress, brain fog etc… I think you get it. With having reiki treatments done the reiki practitioner or master can remove these blockages and create stead energy flow throughout the body the way it should be, to maintain and keep energy flowing is up to you. So how do you maintain great energy flow: by exercising such as yoga or going for a walk it doesn’t have to be hard or intense, also by meditating and seeking regular reiki treatments. Now that we have touched a little bit on reiki feel free to book your next session with us and learn more about your energy flow!


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